Improving community health through drinking water supply and
sanitation is one of the key focus areas of the Himmotthan Society, and has
carried out several projects within this initiative since 2002. The
drinking water supply and sanitation (WATSAN) projects, with an added focus on
hygiene, are being implemented through village based water and sanitation
committees, which plan, design, implement and manage their own schemes. Since
(Oct 2002 to January 2015) three Phases have been successfully completed,
covered 129 villages, benefiting 7,000 household comprising 46,794
beneficiaries. A total of 200 drinking water schemes, 573 Rain Water Harvesting
Structures (RWHS) and 5,000 sanitation units were constructed.
The projects were implemented through five not for profit organizations,
Himmotthan Society and an external agency had provided all technical inputs and
monitored the quality while implementation. At each level village level capacity
is being built for future Operation and Maintenance of the water schemes.
A community based participatory approach towards the Operations &
Maintenance (O&M) of the water supply schemes is the hallmark of WATSAN
projects. The villagers contribute around 10% of the capital cost (Capex) giving
them a sense of ownership in the projects. Subsequently, as part of established
exit policies (once the Trusts’ support ceases), all assets created under the
project are handed over to the Village Management Society (VMS) for future
maintenance, so as to ensure long term sustainability of the investments. The
VMS met 100% operation costs (Opex) and appoints a Village Maintenance Worker
(VMW) to look after the scheme and each household pays a monthly charge (varying
from Rs. 15 to Rs. 30) to the VMS for maintenance of the scheme, salary of the
VMW, necessary repairs and insurance against natural calamities. On an average,
more than 90% of the households are prompt and regular in paying such
maintenance charges. The individual toilets built under the project are
maintained by the households themselves.
Impact observed: With the aim of assessing the
sustainability of the interventions in 90 villages covered under the first two
PHASES, two to five years post cessation of support, the Trusts undertook a long
term impact assessment exercise, through a sample size of 455 households spread
over 30 villages of Garhwal and Kumaon regions[1].
In a nutshell, against the key baseline indicators, the following were observed: